Marcus Chown announces his support for the Campaign for the NHS Reinstatement Bill 2015

The writer and broadcaster Marcus Chown has announced his support for the Campaign for the NHS Reinstatement Bill 2015

“It is astonishing and shocking that the Coalition has got away with removing the government’s ‘duty to provide’ healthcare for you and your family, which has existed since 1948 and which is the foundation stone of the NHS. The effective abolition of the NHS by stealth – under a smokescreen of lies – is the worst thing a government has done to its people in my lifetime. I wholeheartedly support the principles and objectives of the Pollock/Roderick NHS Reinstatement Bill.”

Marcus Chown, 20 October 2014

If you agree please contact your local MP and prospective parliamentary candidates to ask if they support the NHS Reinstatement Bill.