Parliamentary support since the June 2017 election
Parliamentary support from 2016-2017
Parliamentary support from previous parliamentary sessions
For historical interest you can still see the full list of MPs who stated their support for the NHS Bill compiled in June 2015.
Prior to the May 2015 election, thousands of individuals contacted their parliamentary candidates to ask them to support the NHS Reinstatement Bill.
You can see which MPs from the previous Parliament, and 2015 general election candidates stated their support for the Bill below:
Many organisations have also stated their support for the proposed NHS Reinstatement Bill, the full list is below.
Keep Our NHS Public
Campaigning to halt and reverse the government’s rapid march towards privatisation and marketisation of the NHS, and against the reductions in public spending on health which will turn the NHS into a two tier service.
London Health Emergency
Challenging hospital closures and rationalization; maintaining consistent and principled stance of opposition to all forms of privatization of support and clinical services.
Open Democracy
OurNHS is hosted by openDemocracy, and dedicated to reinstating a genuine National Health Service in England.
Green Party
The Green Party of England and Wales promotes the policies of ecological sustainability, a fairer more stable economy and a more equal society.
We are fighting now to ensure that it is patients not profits that are the driving force behind our NHS.
Politics of Health Group
The Politics of Health Group consists of people who believe that power exercised through politics and its impact on public policy is of fundamental importance for health. UK based but with a clear international perspective and members throughout the world.
The Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign fought to save our local hospital in 2013 and we realise that this is part of the wider fight to save the NHS as a whole.
Disabled People Against Cuts
Disabled People Against Cuts is about disabled people and their allies. We welcome all to join us in fighting for justice and human rights for all disabled people.
We Own It is a voice for public services for people not profit. From the NHS to railways, from energy and water to care work, we believe public services are better in public hands.
Doctors for the NHS
Campaigning for the restoration of the NHS as a publicly funded, publicly provided and publicly accountable service.
Medical Practitioners Union – Unite
The MPU exists to provide professional, clinical and employment support for qualified doctors and medical students.
Left Unity
Left Unity is the new party of the left in Britain – established to offer an alternative to the main parties’ agenda of blaming the poorest for society’s problems and destroying the welfare state.
Civil Service Pensioners’ Alliance
The Civil Service Pensioners’ Alliance has over 55,000 members and has been campaigning and lobbying on behalf of pensioners for over 60 years. We work to protect the value of Civil Service Pensions but also partner with other organisations to fight for better social care, health services and transport provision for all pensioners
999 Call for the NHS
999 Call for the NHS is a people’s campaign and proud to remain independent from party politics and political influence. We have one mission and that is to save the National Health Service from privatisation – whatever it takes.
Docs not Cops
Docs not Cops are calling upon the Department of Health to undo the Immigration Act, to remove discrimination against people who need care.
Everyone is invited to join their campaign because these new laws will affect everyone.